Jordan Baptist Church is an Independent Fundamental Baptist Church in Gallipolis Ferry, WV (Mason County). We believe in Salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ and his shed blood. We preach and teach from the King James Bible and worship through the singing of the old hymns of faith.
Our vision is to see our community and the world get saved and have a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Secondly we want Christians to love, grow, and serve our Lord and other through the ministries of the local church.
Soul Winning & Visitation
Bus Ministry
Public School Ministry
Master Clubs (childrens program)
Lighting Youth Teens (7th-12th)
Faith Promise Missions
Vacation Bible School
Men's & Women's Meetings
Community Outreach
Our hope and prayer is to see our community turned upside down by the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. Our goal as a church is to get the Gospel to our community and see lives changed through the shed blood of Jesus Christ and the Power of God.
Message from our Pastor:

Hello and welcome to our church's website. My name is Bo Burgess and I became the Pastor of Jordan Baptist Church on July 14, 2013. God has blessed me with a beautiful wife Ashley and three healthy and hyper little boys Nathanael, Nicholas, and Nolan. This is our first pastorate together and we are very excited that God has brought us to Jordan Baptist Church.
I originally grew up in Spencer, WV and graduated from Roane County High School. After high school I attended West Liberty University and attained a teaching degree. I accepted my first teaching position at Ravenswood High School in 2013 and relocated to Jackson County West Virginia. This is where the Lord really began to deal with my heart. I grew up in church my whole life. I remember thinking I was saved around the age of 12 years old. There were some evidences of my salvation but I really struggled with assurance for many years. Finally at the age of 25 I got assurance of my salvation at Grace Gospel Baptist Church in Ripley, WV. I was already active in the church, but it was at this point God really began to move in my life. I had already met and been dating my wife for about 11 months. During this time God had also been dealing with me about the call to preach. I married my wife on July 21, 2007 and we took the youth pastor position at Grace Gospel Baptist Church in September of 2007. During this time I was also attending a local Bible college through our church and working a full time job. God allowed to serve as a youth pastor for almost 6 years before moving us to Jordan Baptist Church.
God has blessed us in so many ways. He has taken care of every need and a lot of our wants too. God opened every door that we needed to be where we are today. He has blessed us with a wonderful church family who loves us and is taking great care of us. God has blessed the church and is continuing to do so. We are looking forward to what God is going to do in the future.
On behalf of my family and our church I would like to personally invite you to come visit and worship with us. This could be your end of a search, for a friendly church! Thank you for your time and have a great day. God Bless!